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Guru Peyarchi Palan for Dhanussu Rashi (Jupiter Transit for Sagittarius)

Guru Peyarchi 2012 date is May 17, 2012. Guru transits from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rasi and remains in Taurus sign till 28 May 2013. Here are the Predictions for Dhanussu Rashi due to Guru Peyarchi… The Jupiter transit indicates bad first half and even bad second half. Guru transits from 5th House to 6th [...]

Guru Peyarchi Palan for Makara Rashi (Jupiter Transit for Capricorn)

Guru Peyarchi 2012 date is May 17, 2012. Guru transits from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rasi and remains in Taurus sign till 28 May 2013. Here are the Predictions for Makara Rashi due to Guru Peyarchi… The Jupiter transit indicates good first half and happy second half. Guru transits from 4th House to 5th House [...]

Guru Peyarchi Palan for Kumbha Rashi (Jupiter Transit for Aquarius)

Guru Peyarchi 2012 date is May 17, 2012. Guru transits from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rasi and remains in Taurus sign till 28 May 2013. Here are the Predictions for Kumbha Rashi due to Guru Peyarchi… The Jupiter transit indicates average first half and average second half. Guru transits from 3rd House to 4th House. [...]

Guru Peyarchi Palan for Meena Rashi (Jupiter Transit for Pisces)

Guru Peyarchi 2012 date is May 17, 2012. Guru transits from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rasi and remains in Taurus sign till 28 May 2013. Here are the Predictions for Meena Rashi due to Guru Peyarchi… The Jupiter transit indicates bad first half and even worse second half. Guru transits from 2nd House to 3rd [...]

Guru Peyarchi 2012-2013 (Jupiter Transit, Brihaspati Sankramana)

Guru Peyarchi 2012-2013 occurs on May 17, 2012 from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rashi (Aries sign to Taurus sign). Guru will remain in Vrishabha rasi till 28 May 2013. Here are Guru Peyarchi Palan (Predictions for Jupiter transit) for all rashis… Effect of Guru Peyarchi on Mesha Rashi: beneficial (Positive results).. Read more predictions and [...]

Sri Venkateshwara Stotram: Kamalakucha choochuka kunkumatho

Sri Venkateshwara Stotram (Kamalakucha choochuka kunkumatho) is a popular prayer dedicated to Lord Venkateswara Swamy (Lord Balaji). Here are the lyrics of Sri Venkateswara Stotram… Kamalakucha choochuka kunkumatho Niyatharunithathula neelathano Kamalayatha lochana lokapathe Vijayeebhava Venkatasaila pathe Sachadhurmukha shanmukha panchamukha Pram ukakhila daivatha mouli mane Saranagatha vathsala saranidhe Paripalayamam vrishasailapathe Athivelathaya thava durvishahai Ranuvela Kruthairaparada sathai: [...]

The Real Peace Formula

The great mistake of modern civilization is to encroach upon others’ property as though it were one’s own and thereby create an unnecessary disturbance of the laws of nature. These laws are very strong. No living entity can violate them. Only one who is Krishna conscious can easily overcome the stringent laws of nature and [...]

Jnana Prasoonambika Stotram: Gnana Prasunamba Stotram

Jnana Prasoonambika Stotram (Gnana Prasunamba Stotram) is a prayer dedicated to Goddess Jnana Prasunamba (Manifestation of Goddess Shakti and the consort of Lord Srikalahasthiswara). Srikalahasthi is a famous Shaiva Kshetram in Andhra Pradesh. Manikyanchitha bhooshanaam maniravaam, mahendraneelojwalaam, Mandaradhruma bhooshitha kacham mathebha kumbha sthaneem, Mounisthomanutham, maralagamanam madhweerasanandhineem, Dhyaye chethasi Kalahasthi, nilayam jnanaprasoonambikam. //1// Shyamam rajanibhananaam rathihithaam [...]

Meenakshi Nava Ratna Mala Stotram: 9 Jewels of Goddess Meenakshi Devi

Meenakshi Navaratna Mala stotram is a prayer offered as 9 jewels to Goddess Meenakshi. Written by Shri Adi Shankaracharya, Meenakshi Navaratna Malika explains the cosmic beauty of the Goddess in comprehensive style. It also gives the merits and benefits of reciting this stotram. Gowreem kanchana padmini thadagruham Sri Sundaresa priyam, Neebharanya suvarna kaduka parikreeda vilolam umam, [...]

19 May 2012: Savitri Vrat Chaturdasi

Today, 19 May 2012 is Savitri Vrat Chaturdasi. It falls on Krishna Paksha Chaturdasi in Jyeshta Month as per all North Indian calendars. Savitri Chaturdasi is mainly observed in Bengal. Savitri Vrat is observed for three consecutive days starting on this Chaturdasi. Jyeshta Amavasya and Jyeshta Shukla Pratipada are the second and last days of [...]

Jyeshta Maas 2012 in Gujarati Panchang

Jyeshta maas (Jyeshta mahina/Jyeshta month) (June-July) is the 8th  month in traditional Hindu lunar calendar followed in Gujarat. In 2012, Jyeshta Maas May 21 and ends on June 19 as per Gujarati Panchang. Same dates are applicable for Telugu, Kannada, and Marathi calendars. Sud Paksha in Jyestha maas 2012 will begin on May 21 and ends on [...]

Solar Eclipse in Myanmar on May 21, 2012: Burma Surya Grahan

Solar Eclipse on May 21, 2012 will be visible all over Myanmar (Burma). Al most all cities in Myanmar can watch the Partial solar eclipse (Pakshik Surya Grahan) during the sunrise time.. Here is a chart detailing the timings of Solar Eclipse May 2012 in Myanmar cities – Mandalay & Yangon… Time of Solar Eclipse [...]

Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan) in Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland

May 21, 2012 Surya Grahan is visible in Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Mizoram & Nagaland for few minutes. This is a Pakshik Surya Grahan (Partial Solar Eclipse) also seen as Annular (Kankan). Time of Surya Grahan in these North Eastern Indian states… Time of Solar Eclipse in Imphal (Manipur) on May 21, 2012 Partial Solar [...]

Surya Grahan in West Bengal on May 21, 2012: Kolkata, Siliguri, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri

May 21, 2012 Surya Grahan is visible in some parts of West Bengal: Siliguri, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling & Jalpaiguri. It is not visible in Kolkata. This is a Pakshik Surya Grahan (Partial Solar Eclipse) also seen as Annular (Kankan). Time of Surya Grahan in West Bengal on May 21, 2012… Time of Solar Eclipse in [...]

Solar Eclipse May 2012 is not visible in UAE, UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Africa, Europe

The Annular solar eclipse May 2012 (Pakshik Kankan Surya Grahan in May 2012) is not visible in many parts of the world: South India, UAE, UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Africa, Europe, etc. There is no need to observe any ritual associated to Surya Grahan on May 20 and May 21 as it has no effect [...]

Solar Eclipse in Cambodia on May 21, 2012: Phnom Penh Surya Grahan

Solar Eclipse on May 21, 2012 will be visible all over Cambodia. Al most all places in Cambodia can watch the Partial solar eclipse (Pakshik Surya Grahan) during the sunrise time.. Here is a chart detailing the timings of Solar Eclipse May 2012 in Cambodia’s capital city Phnom Penh… Time of Solar Eclipse in Phnom [...]

Nasadiya Suktam: Hymn of Creation as per Rigveda

Nasadiya Suktham is a hymn mentioned in the Rigveda which represents the creation of the universe. Nasadasin no sadasit tadanim nasid rajo no vyomaparo yat | kimavarivah kuha kasya sharmannambhah kimasid gahanam gabhiram || Na mrtyurasidamrtam na tarhi na ratrya ahna asitpraketah | anidavatam svadhaya tadekam tasmaddhanyan na parah kim canasa || Tama asit tamasag [...]

Solar Eclipse in Malaysia May 21, 2012

Solar eclipse on May 21, 2012 is visible in Malaysia. In some parts of Malaysia like Sabah & Sarawak, this Surya Grahan is visible as Pakshik Surya Grahan (Partial Solar Eclipse). The people of Kuala Lumpur and other Peninsular Malaysian places will not be able to witness this phenomenon. The next Solar Eclipse will be [...]

Shani Jayanti (Today), 20 May 2012

Today, 20 May is Shani Jayanti or Shaneswar Jayanthi. Usually, it is observed on Amavasya in Jyeshta month as per North Indian Hindi calendar. It coincides with Vaishakha Amavasya in Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, and Telugu calendars. Shani Thailabhishekam (puja to Lord Shani with til oil), Shani Japam, and other pujas dedicated to Shani are the main [...]

Amavasya, 20 May 2012

Today, 20 May 2012 is Amavasya (No Moon) in Hindu calendar. It is Jyeshta Amavasya in North Indian Hindi calendars and Vaishakh Amavasya in Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu & Kannada calendars. It is Edava Maasa Amavasai in Malayam calendar and Vaigasi Maasa Amavasai in Tamil calendar. Amavasya begins at 2.41 AM on 20 May and ends [...]
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